Friday, January 23, 2009

I make....

I have nothing to do, so bored life here. So I decided to do something to make my life worthy,,lol. I just make a salad as in vegetable salad. I used to be vegetarian when I came here coz my hubby loves to eat vegies. He's like a rabbit, eheheh Likewise, I like vegetable as well, I guess I need to eat more vegies than meat. I feel getting fat now, so I have to be careful.

Honestly, my mama likes me to get chubby but I dont like it, I like slim and sexy,,,haha. Lately, I always bought meat, and used to eat for my tea. Same food I used to eat in pinas, like adobo, guisado, grilled ribs...whaaa what a meat lover. Later then, I notice my tummy's heavier and have a little baby fat. Oh, I cant dare it, I bet I need exercise.

Anyway, I like the vege salad I make, my hubby bought all the ingredienst needed and he helps me to make it. Quite easy anyway and all the ingredients are raw except the boiled eggs. If you want to know the ingredients, I make a list here:

  • --cooked ham
  • --boiled egg
  • --pickled onion
  • --beetroat
  • --coleslaw
  • --cheese & bacon quiche
  • --grated cheese
  • --lettuce
  • --tomatoe
  • --onion stalk
  • --cucumber
  • --shrimps--salad cream(light calories)
Its easy to prepare and it's healty food and makes you enjoy eating. This is very suitable for a vegetarian people like me now. ehehe Alright, its time for me to eat my salad now.See yahPhotobucket


Tekkaus said...

I love ham! LOL :D You made me drool!

insikwa said...



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