Friday, August 29, 2008

My Name

I was just received something from my hubby which he called it rock as in like a stone but it can be eaten. He ordered something for me as a souvenir while he was on his trip in Blackpool. In the rock has my name on it. Dont know if that's the spelling anyway, I just wondering why every breaking the bits my name appeared, I thought it's at the edge only. I just play on it, as I dont like to eat it, theres a reason behind that makes me stop eaten. What a unique one anyway. Actually there's a toffee also but even just a little bite I dont have a chance, coz you know why?---------secrrrrrrrrr... btw oistt. Dont tell anyone plssssssss.lolz. You might not believe me but guess what? the package that I recieve is open yet eaten too. lolz. Only the cartoons left inside. Make a wild guess who eat....ahahha. But it's okey Im still lucky still leave some for me. ewwwwwwwwww.. But when I told my hubby, he say "No good" daw,,,, he will not send me again if thats the case...Huhuhu...Anyway, it's okey better buy here nalang...


Babette said...

Sino kumain? Yung taga post office? LOL
Definitely Maybe!
Everything Plus the Kitchen Sink

insikwa said...

heheh,ewan...d ko nlng inalam bhala cla oi,...


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